2024: Presidential Succession Ahead

As my final year as President and CEO of Western Surety Company ("WSC") comes to a close, it is with mixed emotions that I prepare my last year end Ezine. I am deeply grateful for the support, collaboration, and friendships that I've experienced throughout my 37 years at WSC. I am happy to state that I am leaving an incredible staff that will continue to be the catalyst for many more years of financial and cultural success for WSC; soon to be under the leadership of my successor, Mr. Greg Salmon. Presidential accolades are a reflection of a collective team effort so my thanks to all WSC employees past and present!!

With another strong premium performance in 2024, WSC will have realized its second consecutive year of record-breaking premium as we anticipate topping the $43,000,000 mark. The Canadian surety and global reinsurance industries have not enjoyed a robust year, and both have impacted WSC. However, as we complete our 126th year of the same private family ownership, WSC has proved to be a resilient and predictable force in the industry!

Significant employee developments in 2024 include the promotion to Senior Vice President for Greg Salmon (Regina), Vice President for Cory Manchur while assuming the management of our Toronto office, and Jordan Schulz (Regina) to Senior Underwriter. We also welcomed the return of Josh Mihalicz (Regina) to Senior Regional Manager after a three-year hiatus, hired Chirag Upadhyaya (Toronto) as Senior Manager, Claims and Construction and Devin Spence (Halifax) as Underwriter. On a sadder note, Mr. Dale Binner - long time WSC CFO from the 1980's to 2010 passed away in the Spring.

As noted a year ago, the Hill Family and Western Surety have always been supportive of education and growth of knowledge. Our 2024 program of providing 20 $1,000 Registered Education Saving Plan donations on behalf of the children of our brokers has been a resounding success. The final recipients are noted below, and we thank all brokers that provided WSC with a familial nomination.

While we approach 2025 with tempered enthusiasm relative to the surety industry, the global socioeconomic issues are obviously a concern. While the latter is 'out of our hands', the former will be guided by our standard underwriting principles and company values. Our long-time slogan of "It's all about the people" remains applicable and our strongest attribute!

On behalf of the entire WSC staff, our Directors, and ownership, I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy (and Healthy) New Year!

Scott Donald,
President and CEO

The Final 5 Recipients of Our Broker RESP Grant

The final 5 recipients (of 20) for the WSC Broker RESP Program. Congratulations to the children of the following WSC Brokers:

Christmas Charity Donation

Our annual tradition of having WSC employees enter a draw for the right to select our annual Christmas charity donation included a 'fix' for 2024. As such, our outgoing President and CEO, Scott Donald chose the Saskatchewan Cancer Society.

Christmas Holiday Schedule

Our Regina (including remote), Toronto, and Halifax offices Holiday Schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, December 24th - CLOSING AT NOON (local time)
Wednesday, December 25th - CLOSED
Thursday, December 26th - CLOSED
Friday, December 27th - CLOSED
Tuesday, December 31st - CLOSING AT 3:00 PM (local time)
Wednesday, January 1st - CLOSED

Head Office
2100-1881 Scarth Street
Regina, SK Canada S4P 4K9